36+ Heavenly Blue Morning Glory Seeds (Ipomoea Tricolor) PLUS planting instructions. These are annuals, but readily self-sow for even more vines the following year!
The vines grow 12 - 20 feet and have a profusion of blooms that are an undescribable blue with a white center and about 3 inches across. Perfect for covering a fence or trellis!
Get creative with these - how about covering your mail box or clothes line posts with flowers, certainly that chainlink fence could use a facelift ? what about that dead tree in your yard? I have seen these planted on a chain link fence on a major, 6 lane, highway and even there, you can tell that people actually do slow down to take in the beauty of these flowers!
I have found they need very little care (actually do better with less pampering) and yield LOTS AND LOTS of blooms. They grow best in sandy average soil and in full sun, but are also happy in partial shade in the hotter zones.
Easy and fun for new and old gardeners alike . . . even the kids will love these!