50+ Seeds (larger quantities available, see drop down box on top of page). This is a mix of many different kinds of morning glory seeds. These are seeds that I either don't have enough of to offer on their own or I am down to the last few seeds I have to offer for sale. TAKE A CHANCE! You could get some REALLY NICE morning glories in this potpourri of Morning Glory seeds, INCLUDING SOME JAPANESE MORNING GLORIES!
These are annuals, but readily self-sow for even more vines the following year!
Here's a list of the seeds in the mix - these are MIXED - so there is no guarantee that you'll get any particular one in your pack, but that's the fun - waiting to see what lovely blooms you'll have this summer!
The picture is just one I had of several different morning glories and doesn't include all the possiblities that are in this mix.
Possible Morning Glories in the Potpourri:
Mt. Fuji (various colors)
Milky Way
Rose Silk
Kniola's Black
Tie Dye (White and pink)
Grandpa Ott
Heavenly Blue
Pearly Gates
Split Personality
Flying Saucer
Star of India
Scarlett O'Hara
Akatsuki Umi Sea
Star of Yelta
Crimson Rambler
Scarlet Star
Ivy Leaved / Native Blue
Imperial Japanese (various colors)
Double Pink